Pincushion International School

Pincushion International School
Admissions now open for 2025-2026! | Summative Assessment 2: Academic Milestone for Grades 4 to 7 | PTC for CH & LE: Strengthening Parent-Teacher Collaboration | Art Fair 2025: A Canvas of Creativity and Expression | PTC for Grades 4 to 7: Reflecting on Progress, Aiming for Growth.

Online Enquiry

New Student

Fill the Admission Form

    Name of the Child

    Parent’s Name



    Grade Level Interested

    Age as on June 1, 2023

    Contact No

    Siblings in PMIS (if any): Name


    Email ID

    Residential Area

    Student School

    Admission Procedure

    Pincushion Montessori International School has an admissions policy that is inclusive, accepting students across all ability range. All students are eligible for admission.

    Student School

    Admission Procedure

    Pincushion Montessori International School has an admissions policy that is inclusive, accepting students across all ability range. All students are eligible for admission.

    New Student

    Fill the Online Enquiry Form

      Name of the Child

      Parent’s Name



      Grade Level Interested

      Age as on June 1, 2023

      Contact No

      Siblings in PMIS (if any): Name


      Email ID

      Residential Area